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Deepen your practice and challenge yourself

1 Std 30 Min.
40 Schweizer Franken
Yogalives, Giesshübelstrasse 62b, 8045 Zürich


Join a transformative yoga experience that will elevate your practice to new heights. In this dynamic class, Susen Veronica masterfully weaves together her extensive knowledge of various yoga styles with the profound foundation of Jivamukti Yoga, creating a vigorous asana sequence enriched with meditation, music, and spiritual teachings. This experience will challenge you to push your physical and mental boundaries, while her expert guidance, precise adjustments, and inspirational wisdom cultivate a powerful, holistic practice that transcends the mat. You'll leave feeling empowered, centered, and deeply inspired. Ideal for intermediate to advanced practitioners, this class is perfect for those ready to deepen their connection to mind, body, and spirit. > LEVEL: Advanced & Intermediate > LOCATION: Yogalives, Giesshübelstrasse 62b, 8045 Zürich > REGISTRATION: via > DURATION: 90 minutes > PRICE: CHF 40.- Jivamukti Yoga is a dynamic style inspired by Ashtanga. The classes are physically and intellectually stimulating. They include a short philosophical section, a continuous vinyasa yoga sequence, sustained asanas, breathing exercises, meditation and deep relaxation. The ever-changing sequences are accompanied by uplifting music that makes the sweat-inducing, flowing workout easier.

Bevorstehende Sessions



Stamy Studio Rüdigerstrasse 17, 8045 Zürich, Schweiz

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